Lesson 1.2: Internet Explorer Basics




In order to connect to the Internet and begin browsing Web sites, you and your computer will need three things:



An Internet browsing program

In Lesson 1.1, we defined a browser as a program that retrieves data from a server on the Internet and displays the data on your computer. Microsoft Internet Explorer is now a staple program of the Windows family of operating systems. Netscape Navigator and Mozilla Firefox are two other popular browsers.


A subscription to an Internet service provider (ISP)

An ISP is a company similar in nature to a phone company. However, instead of allowing you to make phone calls to other people, an ISP allows your computer to connect to the Internet. Your will also be assigned a unique username to identify your computer on the Internet.


A physical connection from your computer to the ISP

Your ISP will either provide you with the equipment you need to instruct you on how to connect your computer to the Internet.