Lesson 1.3: The Internet Explorer Interface




Internet Explorer, like most programs, has a menu bar at the top of the window. This bar allows a user to access all the different features and functionality of Internet Explorer. Let’s take a quick look at a typical Internet Explorer window:





Here is a quick rundown on the features of each menu:


File Menu

The File menu allows you to open a new Internet Explorer window, save the current Web page you are viewing, print all or part of the current Web page, send information about the current page through e-mail, and close the program.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu gives you the power to select, cut, copy, and paste information to and from a Web site. We will explore these options later in this manual. The Edit menu also allows you to search the current Web page for a particular word or phrase.

View Menu

The View menu allows you to adjust how Internet Explorer will display information on the screen as well as how the program itself will look. Other functionality includes Web page navigation and the ability to display a Web page on your entire screen.

Favourites Menu

The Favourites menu allows you to save the URL of a particular Web site and then easily view the Web page later. (We will cover this topic in detail later on.)

Tools Menu

The Tools Menu provides access to extra functionality for Internet Explorer. You can check your e-mail, block pop-up windows (more on these later), update your Windows operating system, and change background settings for Internet Explorer.

Help Menu

The Help Menu provides assistance if you are having trouble using Internet Explorer. Here you can access the "Tip of the Day" function which provides you with a helpful or interesting piece of information about Internet Explorer. You can also access information and services directly from Microsoft regarding the Internet and Internet Explorer.