Let's continue with the recipe Web site and explore the concept of passwords. For example, consider that the Web site where you purchased the cookbook now has a new title available that you would like to purchase. Nearly every online store now requires you to create a client account that keeps information about you as a cookie on your computer. When you visit the Web site again to make the purchase, you will need to log into the Web site using a username and password, created when you first purchased something through this Web site.
To log onto a Web site, click inside the username field and type your username. Then click inside the password field and type your password:
Notice how your password is hidden by asterisks or dots. This prevents anyone who is looking over your shoulder from seeing your password. When you have entered your information into both fields, click the “login” or “sign in” button, depending on the Web site you are trying to enter. You can also press Enter on the keyboard to proceed with the sign-in.