Lesson 2.1: Accessing a Web Site




It is common today to see Web addresses (or URLs) everywhere. Even your favourite candy bar likely has a Web address to the manufacturer. And just like a mailing address, a Web address has specific pieces that need to be there in order for your browser's request for data to reach the right location. Let's examine the Web address for Velsoft piece by piece:



This section is referred to as the Protocol section. The “http” denotes Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and the “www” stands for “World Wide Web”. Most web browsers assume you are going to be using the HTTP protocol over the Web regardless, so you can usually leave the http:// off.

This is the Domain Name. The domain name is a reference to the individual or organization that owns the Web site; in this case Velsoft. The “.com” extension indicates that Velsoft is a company.


This is referred to as a Resource. A resource can reference a folder, disk drive, network location, or some other separate resource which contains data accessible through the Internet.


This last section is referred to as the Extension. Every file has some type of extension; the “.html” indicates the requested document is a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol document.