Lesson 2.3: Working with Data





Click the Start button.




Click Internet Explorer.




Click Programs, and then click Internet Explorer.




From the default MSN home page, click a hyperlink of interest to you.




Position your mouse at the beginning of the article text, click and hold the left mouse button, and drag the mouse down the page to highlight the article text. Then press Ctrl + C to copy the text.




Open a word processing document, like Microsoft WordPad. To launch WordPad, click Start à Programs or All Programs à Accessories à WordPad.




When WordPad has opened, press Ctrl + V to paste the text. You can choose to save or print the file. Close WordPad by clicking its Close button.




Back in the Internet Explorer window, hover over a picture you would like to save. Click the right mouse button and then click Save Picture As… Specify a location on your computer (like the Desktop or the My Documents folder) and click Save.




Use a search method of your choice (Search Companion or search engine) to look up a topic of your choice. When you have found a Web site containing information relevant to your interest, click the File menu and then click Save As… Specify a save location on your computer to save the Web page.




Click the File menu, point to Send, and then click Link by E-mail… A new e-mail message draft will appear. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address in the To: text field, add a greeting message if you wish, and then click Send.




In the address bar of Internet Explorer, type There is a large list of sample lesson files to download and view using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Hover you mouse over a hyperlink, right-click and then click Save Target As… Specify a save location and click location and click Save.




Close Internet Explorer once the file has downloaded.