Lesson 5.1: Setting Your Options, Part One




Once the Options dialog box appears, you can modify nearly every aspect of Internet Explorer to your liking. Let’s take a quick look at what each tab will let you do:



The General tab lets you set your home page to a specific URL, manage temporary Internet and history files, and adjust the look and feel of the Internet Explorer window. Visual enhancements let you add a high-contrast color scheme for those who are visually impaired.


The Security tab lets you adjust the level of security Internet Explorer will employ. We will explore these features in the next lesson.


The Privacy tab allows you to set how private information used by cookies is handled and stored by Internet Explorer. You can also enable or disable the pop-up blocker. We will explore these features more in the next lesson.


The Content tab allows you to adjust the content advisor which can restrict particular Web sites or keywords, useful if you have children that use your computer to access the Internet. You can also manage certificates used by your computer and make changes to the way AutoComplete works. We will explore more of these features in the next lesson.


The Connections tab lets you set up and manage your Internet connection(s).


The Programs tab allows you to specify which program you would like to handle each service that is available by using the Internet.


The Advanced tab allows you to fine-tune many of the background features of Internet Explorer. If you are a novice user it would be best to leave these options at their default setting. We will explore these options in the next lesson.