Lesson 5.1: Setting Your Options, Part One




Internet Explorer offers a high level of customization. Feel free to explore some of the different options in Internet Explorer. Most of the settings to keep you safe are already enabled the first time you use Internet Explorer. You don't have to be a computer guru to understand how to be 100% safe (apart from never connecting to the internet, but that really defeats the purpose of you reading this manual!)


You can use the General tab in the Options dialog box to:


  • Set your home page to any URL you like.
  • Delete cookies, temporary Internet files, and manage the settings used by Internet Explorer to save cookies and temporary files.
  • Delete your history files, useful if you have just visited a Web site that contains sensitive information about you, like a banking Web site.
  • Change the color scheme of Internet Explorer.
  • Change the font used to display text in Internet Explorer.
  • Change the language pack used for browsing international Web pages. (Requires the installation or download of a language pack from the Microsoft Web site or the Windows Installation CD.)
  • Change the Accessibility features which include making a Web page easier to read by normalizing all fonts and font sizes or displaying a high-contrast colour scheme for visually impaired users.