Lesson 5.2: Setting Your Options, Part Two




The Programs tab allows you to specify which program you would like to handle each service that is available by using the Internet:






You can choose a program to use the following Internet services. Consult the Windows help file for information on how to set up and use these types of programs on your computer:


HTML Editor

An HTML editor allows you to open, view, and modify HTML code for editing purposes.


An e-mail client will let you enter Internet connection settings and your unique username and password to access an e-mail account.


A newsgroup is like an electronic newsletter that you can subscribe to on nearly any topic.

Internet call

The Internet is capable of more than simply raw data and Web page transmission. You can use the Internet to video conference with colleagues and clients alike in an environment as usable as any board room. To effectively establish a video and voice connection over the Internet, all participants should have access to a high-speed Internet connection.


Certain e-mail clients and stand-alone programs allow you to have an electronic calendar to establish appointments and meetings. If you use a handheld organizer, you can often synchronize schedules and dates between your handheld organizer and computer.

Contact list

As you communicate with others using e-mail, voice, and video connections, you can built a contact list to store names, addresses, and other contact information for people you are in contact with.


Clicking the Reset Web Settings button will reset Internet Explorer’s home and search pages back to their defaults. Clicking the Manage Add-ons button will allow you to configure plug-ins in your computer. (Refer to Lesson 4.3 for information regarding plug-ins.)


Should you have multiple Web browsers installed on your computer, you can check the box marked Internet Explorer should check to see whether it is the default browser to enable or disable Internet Explorer as the primary Web browser.